June 15, 2009

Recipe Section


Soon I will upload some of my best recipes that I have tried and people like my way. Since I am vegetarian, most recipes would be veg.. Come back to check them out !!!

If you need any recipe... just ask me. If you have some secret recipes that you would like to share with me.. I would love to try my hands on!!!


  1. Hi Swati,

    Cool Blog! I just came across it while looking on facebook. I would love if you could share your ragdo patties recipe, Navnit is always asking for it and we both totally loved it at your place, but I tried once to make the patties and just put chole on the top, but the patties weren't as tasty as yours (they were actually quite gross!!!, I guess that is what I get for trying a random recipe that I found online). I understand if you can't share it, as it might be a family secret recipe! :-)


  2. Hey Subha,

    Thanks for the comment. Will upload the recipe soon...
