August 7, 2009

Everything's 'out there'.. nothing is 'in here'...

Wanna write my thoughts on latest messaging buzz of tweeting and social networking like facebook, myspace and orkut!! Initially, it was all good, new, exciting.. meeting with long lost friends, catching up with their lives, professions and new additions in their families. But, lately I am getting a feeling if it is too much of social networking? Is it me or someone else also feels the same way...Orkut, facebook is getting bored.. flooded with some 'best' and 'not so best' friends including 'just acquaintances'. There are some 150 'friends' in my social networking site but how many of them really knows me or I know them. A person you met over potluck, exchanges the id with the hope to get to know you better.. which in this busy life never happens and we feel happy that the number increased from 150 to 151. And what if I don't want to share everything to everyone? What if I don't want 151 friends know my state of mind but want only particualr 20 friends know what I feel today? Why all information is out there for everyone? Now on my own space I am jeopardize and hide my emotions.. Now I am looking for less crowded place to be one to one!!!

When I visited India for two months, I hardly felt the need to check my social sites and believe me not for a single moment I felt socially deprived. Ironically, most of my friends now reside here in the USA and home town is left with only 3 friends. Then why I don't miss those 151 friends for two months? Why meeting with 3 friends couple of times in two months leave you contained with the idea of social networking? Why that is not the case having 151 friends around me 24*7 on so called 'social sites'? Why I feel the urge for having only one friend in your life whom I may meet once awhile but can reach out anytime, can talk, share my thoughts, discuss global issues, laugh, hug, give hi5, fight over some silly things, cry over their shoulders on a bad breakups and find strength in them. Now the question is what the role of social networking? Is it mearly just hangout place? Is it a good source to advertise your products, ideas, sale your classes, events? Let people know what you are up to? Oh yeah... basically it is not social networking site, it should be called marketing networking site...

This reminds me "Paradox of our age"- a quote by Dalai Lama. We are living in a society where values, time, language and relations are becoming steep and short. Your day is bombarded by short tweets and ideas and information about 151 friends- in short.. your page if full of information about who is upto what. Everyone wants to share 'out there' to let people know but nothing want to store 'in here' to learn about self. Everything is short and so do the understanding. To say I have 151 friends 'out there', but only few 'in here'.